GodisaGeek Podcast – E3 Day One
After a day of playing games and having their minds blown by Nintendo, our intrepid adventurers Calvin, Mark, Aryel and Aaron sit down again to talk about what they’ve seen, and of course, Nintendo Wii U! Batman: Arkham City is also discussed, after seeing it first hand, and Calvin got to meet Twisted Pixel, and […]
E3 2011: Nintendo Press Conference Roundup
Microsoft, EA, Ubisoft and Sony had Monday to share between them, but Nintendo have decided to have Tuesday all to themselves. With a new console all but officially confirmed, and potential names floating about, they have a lot to unveil! If you couldn’t be with us for the live report, we’ve got you covered with […]
E3 2011: Nintendo Press Conference Live Report
After Microsoft and Sony had a go yesterday, it is Nintendo’s turn to blow us away with their press conference, and below, you will find a live report from inside the theatre from the GodisaGeek Editor-in-Chief, Calvin Robinson! You don’t need to click refresh as it will automatically update as and when Calvin adds a […]
New Trailers For 3DS Version Of Ocarina Of Time
In Japan, Nintendo is gearing up for the release of Ocarina Of Time on their 3DS console in a few weeks time. The marketing push is beginning to move into a high gear and with that, Nintendo have released two new trailers for the portable conversion of their classic title. One is a TV commercial […]
Get Shiny Gifts When You Pre-Order The Re-Mastered Legend Of Zelda: Ocarina Of Time
There are a few game franchises that pretty much everybody cares about, Metal Gear Solid, Call of Duty and The Legend of Zelda. A few of you will have even gone out and bought a Nintendo 3DS the moment it was launched just because, one day, you’ll get to visit Hyrule in glorious three dimensions. […]
The Legend Of Zelda: Ocarina Of Time Details Revealed
Extremely exciting news today, as details regarding the much-anticipated Nintendo 3DS release of undisputed classic The Legend of Zelda are released. In advance of its European release on June 17th, Nintendo have issued details of just how the beloved game will play on what is arguably this year’s most exciting hardware release. Whilst the basic […]
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Nintendo Reveal 3DS & Wii Release Dates, Ocarina Of Time Included!
If you are one of the people (we’re looking at your Mr Sully Van) that has decided they aren’t buying a Nintendo 3DS until Zelda comes out, you might want to check your bank balance, as Nintendo have today announced that The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time is going to be released on June […]
The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword GDC 2011 Trailer
It seems that showing a Legend of Zelda trailer at the Game Developers Conference (GDC) is common place for Nintendo and it seems that they will not be bucking the trend this year as they have just released an all new trailer for The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword. The trailer features some of the […]
The God is a Geek Retro Corner: Happy 25th Birthday – Top 10 NES Games
He has saved the world, on at least 10 occasions. He has his own football team, Motor Racing competiton and his own tennis tournament. He paints, teaches typing and even dabbles in World History. He may be a medical professional, but he still loves to party. Considering he is turning 25 this October, Mario has […]