Two PlayStation 3 Slim Bundles Coming To Japan in December
In December, two specially themed PS3 bundles will be coming to Japan.
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[CLOSED] Competition: Win Yakuza: Dead Souls Goodies
It’s time for another competition here on GodisaGeek, with a prize that I’m sure you’ll be dying to get your hands on (apologies for the terrible attempt at a joke there). Yakuza: Dead Souls is a spin-off from the core Yakuza series, and is set during a zombie outbreak in the city of Kamurocho. You […]
Yakuza Dead Souls “Ways to Kill a Zombie” Trailer
This new trailer for Yakuza Dead Souls is designed to show us the ways to kill a zombie, in case you hadn't any ideas for yourself.
New Trailer for Yakuza: Dead Souls
The upcoming Yakuza: Dead Souls has a new character trailer of all four main playable characters; Kazuma Kiryu, Goro Majima, Ryuji Goda & Shun Akiyama.