Changes to Destiny’s Exotic Guns Always to be Looked Into

by Nick Gillhamon March 2, 2015
As long as they always feel 'useful and unique'

Destiny: Location and Inventory for Xur – 27 February to 1 March

by Nick Gillhamon February 27, 2015
Please Xur, can I have some more?

Next Month’s Games with Gold Leaked

by Dan Nayloron February 25, 2015
Celebrating 100m downloads.

World of Tanks Coming to Xbox One This Year

by Dan Murphyon February 19, 2015
Let the battle rage One

Minecraft Gets Star Wars Rebels Skin Pack on Xbox

by Mikhail Madnanion February 11, 2015
Skins for both Xbox One and Xbox 360 versions.

Next Destiny Update to Nerf Guns

by Nick Gillhamon February 6, 2015
No, not the foam dart launchers

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LEGO Jurassic World Début Trailer Released

by Nick Gillhamon February 4, 2015
Check yo'self before you Rex yo'self.

Destiny DLC (possibly) Leaked

by Nick Gillhamon January 2, 2015
DLC: Destiny Leaked Content?