New French Blazblue Trailer
It’s no secret that Arc System Works’ Blazblue is taking its sweet time to hit European shores and those who have yet to import the title (PS3) are likely to be getting a little restless. Luckily Arc System are not without compassion and in what looks like an attempt to silence the French cries of […]
Battlefield Bad Company 2 Demo Hits X360 Early
So it seems after the success of the PS3 beta EA and DICE have decided they couldn’t wait till February 4th to release the demo of what is being touted as the next best thing to come out of online FPS gaming since Modern Warfare 2. What does this mean? Well in short, all of […]
James Cameron’s Avatar: The Game Review
Game: James Cameron’s Avatar: The Game Developer: Ubisoft Montreal Publisher: Ubisoft, Lightstorm Entertainment, 20th Century Fox Games Available on: Xbox 360, PlayStation 3 and PC (reviewed on Xbox 360) If you haven’t heard of James Cameron’s Avatar by now then chances are you’ve been living under a rock somewhere as at the time of writing […]
New Splinter Cell: Conviction behind the scenes video
The latest in Ubisoft’s Behind closed doors series of promotional videos has been released for Splinter Cell: Conviction. It’s been titled “The Conspiracy” and focuses on introducing you to the characters that are usually behind the scenes in the Splinter Cell universe. The most interesting of these is Tom Reid, who is now the new […]
Forza Motorsport 3? DLC? Yes!
As the title suggests, that criminally underplayed racer by the name of Forza Motorsport 3 (we blame Modern Warfare 2) has today been given some DLC. Turn 10 are no strangers to supporting the community that play their games and so to celebrate Forza 3 breaking the 1 million sales worldwide barrier they have released […]
Capcom reveal three more characters for Super Street Fighter IV
Whats that you say? You want more Super Street Fighter news? Well alright, since we at God is a Geek love you, the gaming public we will oblige. As previously mentioned by us here at, Capcom where planning to unveil some more “new challengers” for Super Street Fighter IV and true to form they […]
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No More Heroes Xbox 360 & PS3 port faces obstacles in America
Yesterday we reported that the sublime niche experience that is No more Heroes was being ported over to both of this generations high definition consoles and being given a graphical make over. Unfortunately things are not running as smoothly as Grasshopper Manufacture had hoped as Ubisoft have stated that they will not be publishing the […]
ST: HDR recieves a much needed patch
Well Capcom finally saw fit to release it’s patch for Super Turbo:HDR and fix some of the more irritating bugs found in the wonderfully entertaining remake(360 and PS3). The patch has actually been out for about 5 days now but i have only just got around to posting this due to uni work and the […]