Jurassic Park Game From TellTale Delayed Until Autumn
Telltale Games were planning to kick-off their forthcoming season of Jurassic Park video games in April, but have now delayed the project and it will now not launch until Autumn 2011. The developers stated that the game needs more time in order to reach the standards they would be happy with. Those customers who have […]
Get Ready To Serve Hard Time With Law & Order: Los Angeles
NBC Universal have once again entrusted one of their long-standing franchises to Telltale Games to receive the episodic gaming treatment. This time it is television crime drama Law & Order: Los Angeles which is going to get its own Adventure Game series. After their spate of recent announcements, Telltale now have a very crowded slate […]
Telltale Announce The Walking Dead Series & Release Date For Jurassic Park Games
Telltale Games, the studio behind the recently released Back To The Future episodes and the new Sam and Max & Monkey Island reboots, has signed an exclusive worldwide agreement to develop and publish a series of videogames based on the hit U.S. zombie TV show – The Walking Dead. The rights also relate to content contained in […]
I Want To Be The Best
Everyday I scan the App store looking for what I consider to be top Apps and Games, and I think I’ve stumbled over another one. From the folks at TT Fusion comes Guinness World Records: The Videogame, for the iPhone. Now we are know what the GWR’s are but this instalment on the iPhone really […]
European PSN Cards Will Come In Game Cases
PlayStation Network Cards are coming to Europe this September in £20 / €20 and £50 / €50 denominations. If you don’t own a credit card, this is a simple and easy way to add credit to your PSN Wallet. Once aspect about these cards is different from the US PSN Cards, however. The European PSN [...]
Sega Megadrive Handheld goes up against Nintendo DS
Image by nickstone333 via Flickr Play.com have been selling their Sega Megadrive Handheld Console for a while now. At only £27.99 this device has been quite a hit, but the downfall is that it doesn’t support any additional games to the 20 it comes with. This has sparked the launch of the Retro-gen (from Innex), […]