Real Racing HD Update to Add Online Multiplayer
Real Racing HD, Australian developer Firemint’s iPad version of their popular racing game, is to be updated with online multiplayer thanks to the help of Game Center which will be coming to the iPad with the release of iOS 4.2 (due at any moment). Real Racing HD held the top spot of the App Store’s […]
More Super Meat Boy Levels Is A Very Good Thing!
Twitter is rather popular nowadays, you even follow this very site (@GodisaGeek) on there! Sometimes though, you get tidbits of news that are direct from the developers mouths, tasty morsels of…meat…if you will! According to an official tweet : “The xbla title update will fix all known bugs and also release with 20 new levels […]
Lara Croft and the Guardian of Light Co-Op FINALLY Dated Along With Free DLC!
The long awaited co-op patch for the Xbox 360 version of Lara Croft and the Guardian of Light has finally got a date! Let’s not beat about the bush here, we’ve all been waiting for it and the magic day is Wednesday the 27th of October. Yes, that’s tomorrow! REJOICE! But wait, there’s more! Apart […]
European PlayStation Plus Update for October
This month the European PlayStation Plus update contains a free copy of Street Fighter 2 HD Remix and the PSOne Classic Kula World. You can also find two new full game trials and exclusive discounts on a number of PSN titles and content. In addition to the content listed below, you can also expect a [...]
Peggle for iPhone Updated to Include Peggle Nights Levels
The fantastic Peggle (seriously, if you haven’t played it yet, you really should try it it) for iPhone has just recieved an update that includes 5 free levels for Peggle Nights, with the opportunity to buy the rest of Nights as an in-app purchase. “PopCap Games, the worldwide leader in casual video games, today announced […]
PlayTV Is Set To Get Even Better
PlayTV is set to get a massive update before the end of the year, as mentioned by Andy House at gamescom last week. The update will be available to all existing and new customers later in the year, and will include enhanced social features, better programme guide and more. Check out that the update has [...]
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Battlefield: Bad Company 2 Consoles Patch Dated
As we previously mentioned, the balancing patch to the fantastic Bad Company 2 is coming soon to consoles, and “coming soon” now has a date, May 11th! The full list of updates (and there are many) including a quicker tracer dart shot can be found on the official Battlefield: Bad Company 2 blog. This console […]
PS3 Firmware 3.21 Announced
The latest firmware for the PS3 has been announced by Sony, confirming the rumors about the removal of the OtherOS functionality. The new firmware update will bring the system software version to v3.21 and will be available to download this Thursday (April 1st 2010). After updating, the Linux partition on your hard drive will be […]
LittleBigPlanet Updated to v1.20
A new patch for LittleBigPlanet is now available to download. Dubbed “Celtic Promise“, the patch is 23mb in size and adds support for upcoming downloadable content. No other details about the patch were revealed, except that the next patch v1.21, named “Leerdammer“, will add new features to the title.
Patch v1.21 is likely to include, but [...]