The Godcast: Season 5 Episode 1

by Adam Cookon August 27, 2012
Is this thing on? Good. We're back everyone! Season 5 starts with a fresh theme tune and a new itinerary, don't delay, get listening today! But remember, go hardcore or go home.

Sleeping Dogs Review

by Ryan Sandreyon August 14, 2012
It's not a perfect game, by any stretch of the imagination, but it's one of the strongest games of this genre you'll see this generation. Check out the full review of Sleeping Dogs at

Sleeping Dogs: Video Preview

by Adam Cookon July 30, 2012
Here at GodisaGeek we decided that sometimes show can be better than tell, so we're bringing you two videos this week showing off the gameplay from Sleeping Dogs, as it is a title that definitely benefits from being seen.