THQ Reveal Metro: Last Light
THQ today announced that the hugely anticipated sequel to 2010’s Metro 2033 is scheduled for release in 2012, for the PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, and PC. Metro: Last Light will immerse the player in the haunting, desolate ruins of post-apocalyptic Moscow, one of the most richly detailed and beautifully realised gaming worlds of modern times. […]
Mortal Kombat – New Warrior Skarlet Gameplay Trailer
If your looking forward to Mortal Kombat’s first new DLC warrior, (which is otherwise known as the bikini wearing, knife carrying Skarlet) then you’ll be glad to know that a new gameplay trailer showing of the scantily clad warrior’s vicious moves, has been released by NeverRealm Studios and Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment. For those of […]
New Dungeon Siege III Trailer Shows Incredible Spells & Empowerments
There will be many spells and empowerments coming with the brand new Dungeon Siege III, some that we’ll know about and be able to do from the moment we pick up the controller, and some others that will be hidden a little deeper. Square Enix has today released a new trailer for the upcoming title […]
COD: Elite Trailer
Not that we need any more Call of Duty: Elite news today (of course we do!). Today’s announcements about CoD: Elite have been accompanied by a blooming hilarious trailer. Fictional character TheLegendofKarl talks us through Elite features whilst playing Call of Duty: Black Ops. TheLegendofKarl describes Elite perfectly with the line “COD: Elite is like if organised sports and social networking […]
Transformers: Dark Of The Moon Multiplayer Reveal Trailer & New Screenshots
Recently, GodisaGeek went to see the new Transformers title, Dark of the Moon, and you can read that preview right here. Now though, Activision have released a trailer revealing some of the multiplayer action that’ll you be able to get involved with, should you decide to pick the title up when it launches on the […]
Dragon’s Dogma – Griffin Gameplay Trailer
In early April, Capcom held their annual “Captivate” event, and we brought you the details on a whole host of titles, including Dragon’s Dogma, which looks incredibly interesting! Today we’ve got a gameplay trailer, containing footage of a boss encounter with a Griffin. Use skill, not dice rolls, to bring down massive beasts your way […]
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Tomb Raider Debut Trailer Coming June 3rd!
There’s nothing like a good reboot to get everyone excited, and after the screenshots we brought you back in January, it has been a case of all quiet regarding the Tomb Raider reboot. What we’ve seen so far looks rather lovely, but it’s time to step it up, and on June 3rd at 7am GMT, […]
New Dynasty Warriors Gundam 3 Trailer
Some things in this world are just downright amazing – the smell of freshly cut grass, that first cup of coffee in the morning and the sound of giant robots beating seven bells out of each other. Dynasty Warriors Gundam 3 can’t do anything about the first two things in that list, but it certainly […]
Dungeons & Dragons: Daggerdale Is Out Now!
The original standard for fantasy roleplaying is taking another step in its storied pop culture history as the Dalelands of the Forgotten Realms are brought to life for gamers and fantasy enthusiasts across the world. Looks like it’s time to pick up our swords and shields again and roll that 20-sided die to decide whether […]