505 and Starbreeze UNITE! Payday Sequel and New IP Planned
In a pleasing announcement, Starbreeze and 505 Games have announced a deal for the two firms to team up, with a view to bringing forth a couple of interesting new games.
PAYDAY: The Heist Review
After much E3 Hype, PAYDAY: The Heist is finally out - but has it been worth the wait? Available now for PlayStation 3 and PC, GodisaGeek.com take a look.
PAYDAY: The Heist Coming Later This Month
The highly anticipated PlayStation Network title from Sony Online Entertainment, PAYDAY: The Heist, will be available for digital download for the PSN and PC systems later this month for $19.99. This delay is a move to ensure players and fans of Overkill Software’s promise and vision to produce high-caliber games that deliver the best quality […]