Dead or Alive 5 Ultimate Review

by James Bowdenon September 3, 2013
Update like it's 1999

Dead or Alive Ultimate 5 Announced for PS3 and Xbox 360

by James Bowdenon May 8, 2013
Fighting fanatics and bust enthusiasts rejoice, Dead or Alive 5 is getting an expanded release later this year that adds new characters.

New Dead or Alive 5 Game in Development

by James Bowdenon April 30, 2013
At a recent Dead or Alive 5 tournament Team Ninja revealed that it is developing a new Dead or Alive 5 game.

Dead or Alive 5 Plus Review

by Mick Fraseron March 21, 2013
It may not be the most technically-proficient fighter and it may be showing its age in more ways than one, but Dead or Alive 5+ is one of the best fighters available on the Vita in terms of sheer value for money. This is the best available version of a great game, and well worth your money and attention.

Demo Announced & Another New Trailer and Images from Dead or Alive 5 Plus

by Robin Parkeron March 8, 2013
A new trailer and screenshots have been shown for Dead or Alive 5 Plus, the PlayStation Vita version of Tecmo Koei’s popular fighting title.

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Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2 Plus Review

by Lee Garbutton March 5, 2013
Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2 Plus is a solid port that won't offer anything new to those who purchased Ninja Gaiden 2 previously, but provides a hefty chunk of challenging hack & slash action.

Ninja Gaiden 3: Razor’s Edge on Xbox 360 to Use SmartGlass

by Colm Ahernon March 5, 2013
Ninja Gaiden 3: Razor's Edge will use SmartGlass on Xbox 360 and also include many other features upon it's release for PS3 and 360

See the New Pre-Order Bonuses for Dead or Alive 5 Plus

by Robin Parkeron March 4, 2013
The pre-order bonus costumes have been announced for Dead or Alive 5 Plus, the PlayStation Vita version of Tecmo Koei’s popular fighting title.