Gears of War 3 Will Support Stereoscopic 3D
The release of Gears of War 3 is etching ever closer and we are just a little excited. It is great then that Epic games has announced that Gears of War 3 will support Stereoscopic 3D, becoming the first of their games to do so. It joins the very short list of Stereoscopic games available […]
Call of Duty: Black Ops to Have Stereoscopic 3D
November the 9th is a date most Call of Duty fans will already have stamped in their diary, but now there’s even more reason to be excited. If you have the correct equipment, then it “will also be playable in stereoscopic 3D when the game launches at retail outlets worldwide on November 9th. Activision Publishing, […]
CryEngine 3 Jumps on the 3D bandwagon
It’s no secret that Crytek have been steadily releasing demo’s of their CryENGINE 3 over the past year or so in an attempt to pimp out this spectacular engine to games developers and the gaming masses alike. We at Godisageek have most definitely been impressed with what we have witnessed and are looking forward to the plethora of entertaining […]