Star Trek Online: Legacy Pack Giveaway [Closed]
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Star Trek Online Expansion Announced: Legacy of Romulus
Only weeks after celebrating their third year anniversary, and a year since the game turned Free-to-Play, Star Trek Online has announced a brand new expansion: Legacy of Romulus.
New Star Trek Online Featured Episode Series Starts This Saturday
Cryptic are continuing to spread the Trek love this February with the arrival of a new Featured Episode series for the hit Star Trek themed MMO.
Star Trek Online is Going Free-To-Play
It happens a lot these days, doesn't it? An MMO that you think would catch on and be succesful, ends up being free-to-play, as it's simply the only way that it can compete with the behemoth that is World of Warcraft. Well, Star Trek Online is also joining that free-to-play market.
Star Trek Online: Annual Update
If you follow MMO news on GodisaGeek, you’ll know that Atari and Cryptic Studios recently celebrated the 1 year anniversary of Star Trek Online. That means it’s been almost a year since our initial review of the game. We felt it was time to give you an update on the ins-and-outs of the Online adaptation of Roddenberry’s Universe. An […]
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Atari Celebrate Star Trek Online’s One Year Anniversary!
Atari and Cryptic Studios announced today that the companies are celebrating Star Trek Online’s one-year anniversary by releasing a new feature episode series, continuing to discount c-store offers and lifetime subscriptions by 20 percent and hosting special in-game events. Especially for the game’s anniversary, Cryptic and Atari are discounting lifetime subscriptions to Star Trek Online by 20 percent. […]
A Week In Gaming With Calvin Robinson
It’s been another great week in gaming. Team GodisaGeek have been here, there and everywhere playing as many unreleased titles as one can possible play in a week. We’ve drank copious amounts of ‘Blue Spartan Drink’ and mingled with a shameful amount of celebrities. Put the anime on pause, sit back, grab a cuppa and let me […]
Star Trek Online Review
Game: Star Trek Online Developer: Cryptic Studios Publisher: Atari Available on: PC from Play, Amazon (UK Link | US Link) Find out what we thought of the brand new MMORPG from Cryptic Studios, after the jump.