Techland Release Dying Light Live-Action Short Film

by Greg Hillon February 23, 2015
Should we be expecting Dying Light: The Movie?

Are You the Next Ridley Scott? – Why Not Enter Nintendo’s New Competition, A Vision in 3D?

by Martin Bakeron August 21, 2012
Do you fancy yourself as the next Ridley Scott? The next James Cameron or Steven Spielberg?If the answer to that is yes, and you've got a Nintendo 3DS that you can lay your hands on, then you have everything you need to enter Nintendo and BFI's 3D Short Film competition; A Vision in 3D. Read the full news over at

Street Fighter X Tekken Short Film: The Devil Within

by Adam Cookon March 10, 2012
To celebrate the release of the fantastic Street Fighter X Tekken, Thousand Pound Action Company have created a short film entitled "The Devil Within".