Remedy “Max Payne 3 is F***ing Brilliant”
The CEO of Remedy Entertainment of has had some pretty nice things to say about Rockstar's latest game.
Watch People Slowly Jump Through the Air in the new Max Payne 3 Multiplayer Trailer
Rockstar have a released a brand new video for Max Payne 3, which focuses on the game’s multiplayer offering. The video features a substantial amount of people diving whilst shooting in slow motion, otherwise known as Bullet Time. Whilst this has been a core feature of previous Max Payne games, Rockstar is now attempting to […]
Max Payne 3 “Crews” Will Also Be in GTA V
Rockstar have revealed a new clan system for Max Payne 3 called, Crews. Crew stats will also carry over into the upcoming GTA V.
New Max Payne 3 NYC Screenshots Released
Rockstar continues to push the upcoming Max Payne 3 with the release of four brand new screenshots. We've already seen Max shoot his way through the streets of São Paulo, but these new screenshots show him back on more familiar ground in New York City.
Rockstar Reveal Brand New Screenshots for Max Payne 3
Rockstar reveal four new screenshots for the upcoming AAA title Max Payne 3. Check them out at
First PC Screenshots of Max Payne 3
Rockstar have revealed the first PC screenshots of the upcoming Max Payne 3. Join GodisaGeek in drooling over these why don't ya!
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Max Payne Brings the Pain in New Trailer
Apologies for what is undoubtedly quite a terrible pun in the title there, but I couldn’t resist. It was just too tempting not to. Below-par word play aside, Rockstar have released a brand new trailer for Max Payne 3 which delves a little bit into the story that surrounds the copious amounts of gun play. […]
New Max Payne 3 Dual Wielding Screenshots
Rockstar have released some new screenshots for Max Payne 3 where you see Max dual wielding some serious arsenal!
Official Site for Max Payne 3 Launches
Were you upset by the news that Max Payne 3 had been delayed? It’s ok if you weren’t, I just thought I’d be nice and ask. However, if Max’s delay has been causing you untold grief and strife then you may be interested to know that Rockstar have unveiled the official website for the game. […]