Max Payne Looks Hairy AND Bald in New Screenshots
Rockstar have released new screenshots for Max Payne 3, which is scheduled for release in March for PC, Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3.
Behind the Development of Max Payne 3
Rockstar will be revealing in coming weeks & months how they researched the upcoming Max Payne 3 to get Sao Paulo as authentic as possible
New Screenshots Released For Max Payne 3
God is a Geek can reveal some more newly-released screenshots for upcoming film noir shooter sequel Max Payne 3.
Your Likeness As A Max Payne 3 Multiplayer Character
Beginning today and continuing through January 13th, 2012, Rockstar Games' followers on Twitter can be immortalised as one of eight Max Payne 3 multiplayer gang characters, by using the #MaxPayne3 hashtag on Twitter.
Weapons Screenshots Released For Max Payne 3
Rockstar Games has released a string of new screenshots for Max Payne 3 today, showcasing some of the new weapons in the eponymous character's arsenal.
GTA V: What We Know So Far
So Grand Theft Auto V got announced the other week, and the first trailer for the game set the Internet aflame just a few days ago. Unfortunately said trailer didn’t provide us with a host of concrete details about Rockstar’s upcoming title. However worry not, as we here at GodisaGeek have poured over the trailer […]
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First Official Information on Grand Theft Auto V
Rockstar has released the first pieces of information for Grand Theft Auto V, the trailer for which hit the Internet yesterday. Confirming the game will take place in the city of Los Santos (Rockstar’s take on Los Angeles) and it’s surrounding hills, countryside and beaches, Rockstar have also stated that Grand Theft Auto V is […]
Grand Theft Auto V Trailer – Check it out!
Rockstar will today finally reveal Grand Theft Auto V to the gaming world at 16:00 today, and the trailer will be available here at this very site as soon as it hits!
Rockstar Release new Max Payne 3 Screenshots
Max Payne 3 is expected to launch on the Xbox 360, PlayStation 3 and PC in March 2012, Rockstar have now released some exciting new screenshots.