Are We Dreaming? Dreamcast Collection On Its Way
Following on from the recent DLC re-releases of SEGA Dreamcast classics Sonic Adventure and Crazy Taxi – along with the news of more forthcoming titles; SEGA Bass Fishing and Space Channel 5.2 – SEGA’s executive vice president of sales and marketing, Alan Pritchard, has now revealed that they are going to release a Dreamcast collection title […]
The God is a Geek Retro Corner: Happy 25th Birthday – Top 10 NES Games
He has saved the world, on at least 10 occasions. He has his own football team, Motor Racing competiton and his own tennis tournament. He paints, teaches typing and even dabbles in World History. He may be a medical professional, but he still loves to party. Considering he is turning 25 this October, Mario has […]
Sega Megadrive Handheld goes up against Nintendo DS
Image by nickstone333 via Flickr have been selling their Sega Megadrive Handheld Console for a while now. At only £27.99 this device has been quite a hit, but the downfall is that it doesn’t support any additional games to the 20 it comes with. This has sparked the launch of the Retro-gen (from Innex), […]