Silent Hill HD Collection Review
Two of Konami's survival horror smashes arrives on Xbox 360 & PlayStation 3, but is Silent Hill still relevant? Find out with the review.
The GameGadget is Now Available for Pre-Order
The device that is supposed to be the 'iPod for Retro Gaming', the GameGadget, is now available for pre-order. Check out the full post over at
This Week’s Nintendo Download: March Is Virtual Console Month
Nintendo gamers with a penchant for retro gaming have plenty to look forward to this month, with a bounty of classic greatness available over the coming weeks.
THQ Release Re-Vamp of Classic WWE Wrestlefest Arcade Game
THQ have listened to their fans who have been waiting for over twenty years, and have released a new version of the classic WWE Arcade game, Wrestlefest.
Hall of Fame: Streets of Rage 2
This month we induct Streets of Rage 2 into the Hall of Fame. Read the full article at
GameGadget – A New Retro Handheld Coming In March
If (like me) you are partial to delving into the world of retro gaming, then Blaze might have the handheld for you with their innovative retro handheld – GameGadget. Released on March 31st, this handheld could change the way we legally play retro games (without atrocious touch-screen controls).
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Saving the Mudokon: A Look Back at the Oddworld Series
Ella McConnell takes a look back at the much loved series, Oddworld.
Dizzy: Prince of the Yolkfolk Arrives on iOS & Android
Rejoice, fans of anthropomorphic protein-based produce! Your Prince has returned from a long absence, and has found a new home on the mobile platform of your choosing! Allow me to hail the second coming of a true retro hero, and without a single egg pun, I promise.
Retro Corner: Batman
Game: Batman (1989) Developer: Sunsoft Publisher: Sunsoft Originally Released on: NES, Gameboy, SEGA Megadrive Currently Available on: Currently Unavailable When Batman: Arkham Asylum was released to great critical and retail success, it broke the mould and began to change the public perception that all games adapted from or based on licensed property rights were a waste of time. The title […]