
Call of Cthulhu review

by Gary Baileyon October 29, 2018
Octopath not traveled.

Maid of Sker looks to be a Welsh Amnesia

by Nick Gillhamon October 29, 2018
Room Skervice

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Overcooked! 2 – Surf ‘n’ Turf review

by Mikhail Madnanion October 29, 2018
Overcooked! 2 – Surf ‘n’ Turf is a great set of new mechanics and levels that is held back by being way too difficult solo.

Nickelodeon Kart Racers review

by Chris Hydeon October 26, 2018
Nickelodeon Kart Racers is just about a passable karting game. It feels rushed and bland, meaning there's little here to inspire you for very long.