Modnation Racers: Road Trip Review

by Adam Cookon February 13, 2012
Modnation Racers has been on PS3, PSP and is now coming to PS Vita. How does it fare on Sony's new hand-held device? Check out the review at

Uncharted: Golden Abyss Review

by Adam Cookon February 13, 2012
Many will see Uncharted: Golden Abyss as the marquee PS Vita title, but just how does it fare? Read the full review on

UK Pricing For Upcoming Vita Digital Only Games Revealed

by Lee Garbutton February 13, 2012
Sony have announced some pricing details for some of their upcoming Vita digital titles.

Ubisoft PlayStation Vita Titles Preview – Part One

by Rik Wortmanon February 13, 2012
GodisaGeek's look at a few Ubisoft titles heading towards the Vita.

Mortal Kombat Vita Preview

by Rik Wortmanon February 10, 2012
Rik takes a look at the butt kicking Mortal Kombat coming to PS Vita.

See Ultimate Marvel Vs. Capcom 3 Vita in Action in This New Video

by Adam Cookon February 10, 2012
For those gagging to see it in action, luckily you won't have to wait any longer as Capcom have revealed (via the official Sony EU blog) some screenshots as well as a video showcasing Ryu, Frank West and Rocket Raccoon taking on Falian, Arthur and She-Hulk.

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New Dynasty Warriors Next Screenshots & Video Released

by Adam Cookon February 10, 2012
5 new screenshots and a trailer, which - we think you'll agree - really showcase just how incredible games can look the PS Vita.

PlayStation Network Accounts Being Renamed to “Sony Entertainment Network” Accounts

by Adam Cookon February 6, 2012
If you are a user of Sony's PlayStation Network, then over the weekend you may have had an e-mail from Sony regarding this, but it appears that Sony are changing the name of their online network account.

Saint & Greensie Episode 004

by Adam Cookon February 1, 2012
Episode four of Saint & Greensie ahoy! In this instalment of S&G, "We Won't Divulge That Kind of Size", Colm and Sean talk about the PlayStation Vita and handheld gaming in general.. Listen now on