Bring it On! PlayStation All Stars Battle Royale to Enter Beta Testing

by Mick Fraseron October 15, 2012
Beta testers will be able to utilise the cross-play function or use the Vista's ad-hoc mode to battle it out on either the Hades or Metropolis stages in either 4-player free-for-all tournaments or 2 vs 2 team matches.

Spy Hunter Available Today for PlayStation Vita

by Mick Fraseron October 12, 2012
The Spy Hunter remake from TT Fusion and Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment is now available on Vita.

Smart As… Preview

by Lee Garbutton October 4, 2012
Smart As looks to be a worthy addition to a system that is admittedly lacking in casual appeal (at least when compared to Nintendo portables).

New Little King’s Story Review

by Mick Fraseron October 4, 2012
First released on the Wii in 2009, Little King's Story was met with only quiet applause, barely acknowledged and largely overlooked. Which is a shame, because it was quite a gem, and those who did play it enjoyed it more than they expected to. Read the full review at

LEGO Lord of the Rings – Developer Diary #2

by Mick Fraseron October 3, 2012
Long-running developers of the LEGO series, TT Games, have released the second Developer's Diary for upcoming adventure LEGO Lord of the Rings.

New Spy Hunter Trailer Looks at the Legacy of the Franchise

by Mick Fraseron October 1, 2012
Revived for the current generation by TT Fusion and Warner Bros. Interactive Entertaiment, Spy Hunter is on its way to the PlayStation Vita and Nintendo 3DS this month.

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Silent Hill: Book of Memories Coming to Europe on November 2nd

by Mick Fraseron October 1, 2012
Konami have today announced that handheld horror spin-off Silent Hill: Book of Memories will launch in Europe on November 2nd.

Put Your LittleBigPlanet Creation Skills to Use and Become an Intern at Tarsier

by Colm Ahernon September 25, 2012
If you feel like you are a budding developer and are a dab hand at creating things in LitttleBigPlanet PS Vita, you may be in luck.

Silent Hill: Book of Memories Demo Available on PSN from Tomorrow

by Colm Ahernon September 25, 2012
Konami has announced that a demo for PlayStation Vita exclusive, Silent Hill: Book of Memories, is coming to PSN tomorrow.