New Trailer for Professor Layton and The Azran Legacies
Professor Layton and The Azran Legacies will be released in Japan on February 28 - see a new trailer for the game here.
Professor Layton and the Spectre’s Call Review
Game: Professor Layton and the Spectre’s Call Developer: Level-5/Brownie Brown Publisher: Level-5/Nintendo Available on: Nintendo DS Only You know a game series has crossed right over into the mainstream when you see an advert pop up on prime-time TV, invariably showing some culturally diverse pop combo or celebrity family pretending to play a DS or […]
Professor Layton to Return in Prequel Game – Professor Layton and the Spectre’s Call
If you’re the type of person who enjoys the odd puzzle game now and then, you’ve probably already played a Professor Layton game or two, however, if you’ve never played any of the games before then there’s no better time to get in on the title that everybody’s been playing than now, with a shiny […]
Professor Layton And The Last Spectre: E3 Trailer and Screenshots
One of the most enduring puzzle series on a handheld platform, Professor Layton, will be receiving a prequel in the form of Professor Layton and the Last Spectre, it was announced. The game has been available on the DS platform in Japan since 2009, but this Autumn will see the game’s release in North America […]
Phoenix Wright and Professor Layton Go Head-to-Head
In a puzzling move (groan), Level-5 and Capcom have joined forces to announce upcoming title Professor Layton Vs Ace Attorney, which will see the eponymous Professor clashing with Phoenix Wright. Ace Attorney creator Takumi Shuu will be leading development and writing on the title, which promises to be a combination crime mystery and puzzle game. Akihiro […]