Wii U Preview – Hardware Impressions & Summary
The final article of our Wii U Preview round-up, takes a look at the Wii U system itself, including the system and its new controllers. Read the full article at GodisaGeek.com.
Wii U Misc Games Round-Up
It's our penultimate Wii U Preview article, containing some of the stranger games available for the system. Get ready for some weirdness! Read the full preview at GodisaGeek.com.
Wii U First Party Preview
Next up in our super-gigantic-awesome look at Nintendo's next-gen juggernaut, is a gander at some of the First Party titles that Ninty are hoping to wow us with, when the Wii U is eventually released. Read the full preview at GodisaGeek.com.
Developer Diary 2 for Spec Ops: The Line released
Yager Development who made Spec Ops: The Line have released their second Developer Diary for the game which is out now.
E3 2012: Hands-On with Capcom’s Resident Evil 6, DmC and Lost Planet 3
Both Lost Planet 3 and DmC, the latest in the Devil May Series, are being developed by Western studios, so I was intrigued to experience their take on these much loved games.
New Developer Diary Video for Spec Ops: The Line, Launch Trailer Too
The team at Yager Development who have been working on Spec Ops: The Line have released their first Developer Diary for the game which is due out later this week in Europe.
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Spec Ops: The Line Preview
Regardless of the Third Person Shooter market being over-crowded, Spec Ops: The Line is a game that should definitely be on your radar. Read the full preview at GodisaGeek.com.
An Introduction to Disney Epic Mickey 2
Take a look at how the game is getting on, as Junction Point release their first developer dairy for Epic Mickey 2.
Get Ready for Fire & Brimstone in Dragon’s Dogma Launch Trailer
Ahead of the release of Dragon’s Dogma across Europe on May 25, Capcom have released a launch trailer for the title.