The Making Of: Rayman Origins

by Colm Ahernon December 9, 2011
Rayman Origins is one of the best 2D platformers on current gen consoles. Check out Ubisoft’s Making of video of the sleeper hit of 2011.

Rayman Origins Review

by Martin Bakeron December 5, 2011
Michael Ancel has returned to the Rayman franchise with Rayman Origins but has it been stale for too long or can Ancel breath some life into the series? Find out at

Frobisher Says – “Ask Me Questions!”: An Interview With Honeyslug

by Lee Garbutton December 2, 2011
I had the opportunity to have a chat with Ricky Haggett, Co-Founder and Designer at indie studio Honeyslug, the developers behind what I am dubbing the "dark horse" of the PlayStation Vita lineup. The answers were, shall we say, as light-hearted as the game itself.

The Vita Experience Part Two: The Best of the Rest

by Lee Garbutton December 1, 2011
Still think you've seen all there is to see from the PlayStation Vita? Think again, as I had some playtime with even more titles, all fighting for your hard-earned cash when the system launches in February.

The Vita Experience Part One: Six Must-Own Titles for PlayStation Vita

by Lee Garbutton November 30, 2011
Recently I had the pleasure of having some extended hands-on time with the PlayStation Vita, courtesy of an exclusive Sony event in London. I was greeted upon arrival with food, drink and tons of Vita units, with most of the games scheduled for the European launch in February.

Go for Pole Position with F1 2011 on Nintendo 3DS

by Tony Windebankon November 25, 2011
F1 2011 is available to buy now on Nintendo 3DS! Check here for all the details!

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First Look – Rayman Origins

by Tony Windebankon November 23, 2011
Another First Look is on the horizon, and this time its footage of the upcoming title Rayman Origins. Enjoy!

Sony Partners with Vodafone as “Preferred” PS Vita 3G Supplier in EU

by Terry Lucyon November 21, 2011
Sony has partnered with Vodafone in Europe as the preferred supplier of 3G data to its upcoming PlayStation Vita handheld.

F1 2011 Screeches Into The PlayStation Vita Launch, Plus Trailer

by Lee Garbutton November 16, 2011
Petrolheads who like to race on the go, will no doubt be delighted by the news that Codemasters will be releasing their PlayStation Vita version of F1 2011 as a launch title, when the tiny technical powerhouse is released on 22nd February, 2012.