Puddle Review
Puddle started life as a student project, winning awards at the Independant Gaming Festival at GDC in 2010 it has no been brought to the home consoles by Neko Entertainment. Can it compete with the big dogs though? Find out with the full GodisaGeek.com review here!
Storm In A Teacup Review
Game: Storm In A Teacup Developer: Cobra Mobile Publisher: Chillingo Available on: iPhone, iPod Touch and iPad (Reviewed on iPad) There are a lot of games out there for iOS devices. A lot of them are shockingly bad, put out there to get the developer a quick cash injection before the world realises how bad […]
World Of Goo Squishes Its Way Onto iPhone
The developers of award-winning puzzler World Of Goo have revealed that an iPhone version of the game has been completed and will be available soon. 2D Boy have submitted the game to the Apple App Store for approval, so it just has to pass through their certification process. It will be priced at £1.79, but as a reward […]