Godcast: Season 3 Episode 15
Yet another crazy week on GodisaGeek.com has seen all staff busy as bees playing everything you can imagine. Not one but two people suggest they may found game of the year already on this 90+ minute episode of the Godcast.
Godcast Extra – OnLive Special
The contents of this audio recording are what shaped a lot of the team's opinion of OnLive, and as you'll be able to hear, Bruce is a passionate man who believes in the OnLive brand.
Eurogamer Expo 2011: Why OnLive Blew My Mind
Spending an hour with Bruce Grove, the Director of Strategic Relations for OnLive was the best thing I did at Eurogamer Expo 2011. The man is a gentleman for sure, but he’s also inspiring to listen to, as well as being a gamer himself he’s a man with a vision, who wants to help create […]
The Revolution Is Almost Upon Us – OnLive Releases In The UK On September 22nd
OnLive, the pioneer of cloud gaming, today announced its breakthrough instant-play video game service will launch on 22nd September at the opening of the 2011 Eurogamer Expo London, with over 100 top-tier games instantly available for play via almost any broadband Internet connection throughout the UK on HDTV, PC, Mac, and iPad and Android tablets. […]
OnLive Demonstration Video, Cloud Play Of “From Dust” On iPad 2!
Last week we brought you the news that the intruiging cloud gaming service OnLive will be coming to UK shores this Autumn, along with some tasty pictures of the controller and OnLive device itself. Today we have a demonstration video, straight from E3, showing off the iPad (other tablet devices are available) cloud support, for […]
OnLive Coming To The UK This Autumn & E3 Announcements Galore
If you don’t already know, OnLive is a digital service that requires only a set-top box style unit, and an OnLive account to play numerous games without needing to download massive files, or use discs. Streaming the games from a server, the service has already been a hit in the USA, and now, it is […]
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OnLive Set To Hit The UK
It has today been announced that OnLive, the game service that could potentially revolutionise the games industry, will be made available in the UK. The service will allow users to play the latest games from developers/publishers such as EA and Ubisoft without the need of owning a high end gaming PC or console. British Telecom (BT) […]
OnLive, is it OnTheBall?!
GDC 2009 is underway and the biggest news to come out of the annual event has been the announcement of an online service known as OnLive. This “revolutionary” service intends to bring gaming to masses without downloads and without any installations. Through the power of an internet connection OnLive intends to stream gaming goodness direct […]