Fan Creates Bastion in Minecraft
Everyone knows that there are creative people out there beavering away at some insane Minecraft creation, and secretly we're all jealous that we don't have the time or patience to do it ourselves.
Minecraft Surpases 8 Million Sales on PC
I think it's safe to say that we can now call Minecraft one of the biggest PC games of all time, because over at the Official Mojang Blog, it has been announced that the game has sold over 8 million copies on PC.
Minecraft Update 1.8.2 Coming Today to Xbox 360
Hugely popular sandbox game Minecraft is receiving an update on Xbox 360 which will bringing the title to the big-brother PC version.
Minecon 2012 to Be Held in Disneyland Paris
Minecon will be held outside the US for the first time this year, as the event heads to Disneyland Paris.
Minecraft XBLA Surpasses 3 Million in Sales
Notch has revealed on Twitter that his hit title's XBLA version, has sold over three million copies. Minecraft: Xbox 360 Edition is a smash!
The Godcast: Season 4 Episode 28
The news is dominated this week by Kickstarters and Movies being made that are based on games. Luckily though, Lee has been playing Borderlands 2 and takes questions from the team about it.
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The Godcast: Season 4 Episode 25
Back to the regular format this week, Adam, Calvin, Lee and Ryan have lots of games to talk about, and plenty of news.
Minecraft Xbox 360 Edition: What the Future Holds
Tarak takes a look at what the Xbox 360 version of Minecraft's future may hold.
The Godcast: Season 4 Episode 20
Not that the gang are pre-occupied, but it's now TWO WEEKS until E3. Thankfully though, there's been plenty of games to keep the guys busy, as Adam, Calvin, Lee and Alex bring you another episode of The Godcast.