The God is a Geek Retro Corner: Happy 25th Birthday – Top 10 NES Games
He has saved the world, on at least 10 occasions. He has his own football team, Motor Racing competiton and his own tennis tournament. He paints, teaches typing and even dabbles in World History. He may be a medical professional, but he still loves to party. Considering he is turning 25 this October, Mario has […]
Metroid Other M Review
Game: Metroid Other M Developer: Nintendo/Team Ninja Publisher: Nintendo Available on: Nintendo Wii Think of some strange combinations. For example, Heston Blumenthal’s white chocolate & caviar, jeans paired with a blazer and Anna-Nicole Smiths’ marriage to J. Howard Marshall (this is going somewhere, hold on). As strange as it was at the time when Retro […]
Metroid: Other M – Official Samus Aran Retrospective
It has been floating around the web for a while now (about 2 days) but we don’t care because we love us some Metroid and so you deserve to be reminded it’s out there. So, Nintendo are promoting the upcoming release of Metroid: Other M with a retrospective of the sexiest lady in gaming (screw Lara Croft […]
Latest Zelda Coming To This Years E3
Satoru Iwata has officially promised that the latest version of Zelda for the Wii will definitely be coming to this years E3. He told investors during a financial briefing that “We will show the new Zelda title for Wii at E3 this year.” As a self confessed Zelda fan I’m anxious to see what changes […]
E3 2009: Metroid: Other M Trailer
The dust has finally settled on the big three conferences and Nintendo’s disappointing showing is becoming a distant memory (hopefully). There were a few notable appearances in Nintendo’s conference and one of them was this game right here, Metroid Prime: Other M. The first thing I would like to mention is the fact that Nintendo […]
Nintendo slowly crawl over the finish line
So here we are again watching these conferences so you don’t have to. Nintendo just finished it’s press conference and well, it was an extremely slow start for the big N. The conference heavily leaned towards the DS side of things but the Wii was also shown some love. Surprisingly there was not much in […]