Fable III Video: LIVE Co-Op Gameplay
Here at GodisaGeek towers, we are rather excitedly looking forward to playing Fable III very soon! Like most people though, we have some reservations regarding some of the promises made about the game, most notably, the co-op experience. In Fable II, the co-op left a lot to be desired. However, as this video released today […]
New Fable III Dev Diary: “A Call To Action”
With Fable III just around the corner the promotional drive is definitely in full effect. After releasing the smartphone app “Fable III Kingmaker” (reviewed by our very own Tony Windebank here), we now have another developer diary. In this diary, called “A Call to Action”, Lionhead studios (including Mr Molyneux) take us through the ever-evolving […]
Fable III Kingmaker Review
GAME: Fable III Kingmaker DEVELOPER: McCann London, Lionhead Studios, Grapple Mobile and Unit 9 PUBLISHER: Microsoft Game Studios AVAILABLE ON: Android, Symbian, iOS, Windows Phone 7 via www.fable3kingmaker.com (Reviewed on iPhone 4) If you cast your minds back to before the arrival of Fable II , Mr. Molyneux and the team at Lionhead Studios released […]
Fable III Kingmaker App On Its Way
In a similar move to the Fable Pub Games DLC that was released in conjunction with Fable II, allowing players to build up a wodge of cash before they even set foot in the main game, this year Lionhead and Microsoft are releasing Fable III: Kingmaker – an App for smartphones. Kingmaker will let players experience […]
Milo Still Coming To Kinect, Not In Time For Christmas
With a no-show at E3 and some confusing words from Microsoft director of project management Aaron Greenberg, we were led to believe that Milo and Kate – the Lionhead-produced demo shown widely last year to show off Kinect specs – had been canned, or was simply a technical demo, not a project set for full […]
Peter Molyneux: Natal more Revolutionary than the Mouse
Peter Molyneux has recently said that he believes that Natal will eventually be as revolutionary as the PC mouse, if not more so for gaming. He began with giving the mouse its dues by stating that it was a major factor in revolutionising PC gaming and then went on to say that Natal could go […]
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Molyneux Intends to Annoy Gamers with Fable III Anouncements
As you might know we have been told to expect some “real” details on Fable III at the X10 event taking place in San Francisco this week and maybe some “gameplay” footage if your lucky. Molyneux, however, seems convinced that the upcoming anouncements are bound to “piss off” gamers everywhere. Sorry to be the bearer […]