Mobile Monday – Infinity Field, Dog Pile, Ninja Puzzle, OK! Celebrity Quiz
This week we've got a twin stick shoot-em-up from ForzeField Studios that in very much the same vein as Geometry Wars, a block matching game with a twist (hint: the "blocks" are dogs!) from ArtzWitz & JoshOClock in Dog Pile, another block matching game, this time for the Mac, from the creative minds over at Flying Pig Game Studios. Ever feel like jumping around in a puzzle, slashing puzzle blocks and being a strange little ninja at the same time? Ninja Puzzle has you covered. Lastly we've got a quiz game from Wi...
Chillingo Release “Infinity Field” For iPad
Everyone loves Chillingo, right? Being purveyors of such fine titles as Angry Birds and Cut the Rope, it’s hard not to like them! With Infinity Field it seems they are aiming to add to that popular library of titles! The HD release for iPad is available for £1.19 from the App Store, but before you […]