PlayStation 4 Trailer Overload – Killzone, inFamous, The Witness, DriveClub, Knack and Deep Down
Sony has recently posted a ton of video content on many of the games we saw premiere at PlayStation Meeting 2013.
Saint & Greensie Episode 46
On this week's episode of everyone's favourite comedy gaming podcast Saint & Greensie, the lads make some 2013 predictions.
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God of War and inFamous Full Collections Coming to PlayStation 3 This August
In the States this August, Sony are releasing full collections of God of War and inFamous for PlayStation 3. No word on Europe dates yet.
Cole From inFamous Comes To Street Fighter X Tekken On PlayStation Vita!
Great news for fans of Street Fighter, Tekken and inFamous as Capcom has announced that Street Fighter X Tekken is coming to PlayStation Vita and not only that the main character from inFamous, Cole MacGrath will be a playable character! Capcom, a leading worldwide developer and publisher of video games today announced that the greatly […]
inFAMOUS 2: The Beast is Coming
What’s the Beast, you ask? Like a meteor from outer space it’s a force of destruction too powerful for humanity to contain. At the end of inFamous, Cole MacGrath was given a vision that the Beast would arrive into the world and that he alone could stop it. The safety of our species was put on his [...]