Humankind free weekend coming, expansion release date announced

Humankind free weekend coming, expansion release date announced

by Adam Cookon October 6, 2022
Discounts on Sega titles as well.
Humankind expansion "Together We Rule" announced

Humankind expansion “Together We Rule” announced

by Adam Cookon September 7, 2022
Unleash your inner diplomat.

GOTY 2021: Mick Fraser

GOTY 2021: Mick Fraser

by Mick Fraseron December 28, 2021
Monsters and marvels
Humankind review

Humankind review

by Mick Fraseron August 16, 2021
The world is what you make it


Measuring the scale of Humankind

by News Teamon August 9, 2021
Humankind by numbers