Gamescom 2010: New DC Universe Online Trailer
The previous DC Universe Online Trailer was so epic that there isn’t enough superlatives in the English language to describe it. It had us yearning for a CGI feature length Justice League film, it was that good. If you missed it then you deserve a slap, but you can find it here. Sadly though it was far from being […]
Gamescom 2010: New Mortal Kombat Screenshots
The latest reboot of the Mortal Kombat series is said to be a return to form and by the looks of it we would have to agree (we give it the honour of being our best game at E3 2010, after all). Warner Bros. seem to have taken a leaf out of Capcom’s book and returned to grass […]
Gamescom 2010: Assassin’s Creed Brotherhood Beta Coming Soon
Ubisoft have revealed the multiplayer beta for Assassins Creed: Brotherhood will start on the 4th of October but there’s a catch. To join in on the throat slitting festivities you need to pre-order the game at or GAME and it will only be available to PlayStation 3 owners. So, if you wish to be a part […]
Gamescom 2010 : Ubisoft Reveals 360 Kinect Exclusive “Fighters Uncaged”
Out in November, courtesy of AMA Studios, Ubisoft will be bringing us the Kinect exclusive game “Fighters Uncaged”. Despite rather interesting looking concept art and a mispelling of the word exhausted (exausted) in the promo shots , it could well be worth checking out…if you are into standing in your living room/bedroom and punching and […]
Gamescom 2010: Diablo III Artisan Walkthrough
New to the Diablo universe? Want to know how the artisan system works in Diablo III? Then this walkthrough from Gamescom 2010 will probably be of interest to you. Just in case you were wondering, artisans serve the role of “crafters” in the world of Diablo and are the NPC’s you use to craft/upgrade weapons, […]
Gamescom 2010: PES 2011 Trailer
We brought you the release date a few hours ago (October 8th) and now we bring you the Gamescom 2010 trailer of PES 2011. The trailer is another epic coming in at just over 6 minutes! It would seem that Konami wan’t to show us as much PES 2011 as they can, packing in new […]
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Gamescom 2010: The Lord of The Rings – War in The North Trailer
We first brought you news of The Lord of The Rings – War in The North during E3 2010, back then we had a nice little pre-rendered trailer showing some action. We now bring you a slightly longer, blood filled trailer of some orc slaying action. War in the North is due for PC, 360 and PS3, and will […]
Gamescom 2010: Portal 2 Release Date Confirmed
Well, if you’ve never heard of Portal your integrity as a gamer is a bit suspect so we’ll just ignore you and speak to the people who are eagerly awaiting the arrival of its sequel. We’ve got some big Portal fans here at GodisaGeek and they are all happy to hear that we’ll be able […]
Gamescom 2010: Sony Reveals New PS3 Units
The constant re-release of hardware seems to be a regular occurrence at the moment and Sony aren’t going to start going against the trend now as they push two more SKU’s off the assembly line. The console giants announced a 160GB version that is apparently being shipped off to retailers as we speak and the 320GB version that will […]