New Fear 3 Multiplayer Trailer: Soul King
After showing off a trailer of one of their other Fear 3 multiplayer modes – F*cking Run – last week, Day 1 Studios and Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment have today unveiled a second trailer, this time to give us a glimpse of the mode entitled Soul King. The other multiplayer modes that will be included are called […]
Sniper: Ghost Warrior Review
Game: Sniper: Ghost Warrior Developer: City Interactive Publisher: City Interactive Available on: Xbox 360, PC and PlayStation 3 (Reviewed on PlayStation 3) For years we’ve played first person shooters that give us the task of running into a building filled with our enemies, the biggest gun in our arsenal strapped to our arms, and gunning […]
RAGE’s Pre-Order Bonuses Detailed
Are you the type of person who likes to pre-order a highly anticipated game as soon as you can? Do you like to get exclusive items for doing so? Well, today is a good day for you. Today, the guys behind bringing us RAGE have announced that if you pre-order the game, you’ll automatically get […]
Brink Is Almost Here – Celebrate With A Launch Trailer
That time is almost upon us. The eagerly anticipated first person shooter from Splash Damage and Bethesda Softworks is almost ready to be played by the masses. Unfortunately those of us here in the UK have to wait another few days to get our hands on the madness but we’ve waited this long, what’s another […]
Operation Flashpoint: Red River Review
Game: Operation Flashpoint: Red River Developer: Codemasters Publisher: Codemasters Available On: Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, PC (Xbox 360 Version Reviewed) In a gaming landscape where each new entry in the Call of Duty series instantly sells millions of copies on day one without even trying, gamers may begin to feel that the military life is […]
Some Of Brink’s Abilities Explained With New Screenshots
Are you looking forward to be taken to the Brink? You are? That’s exactly what Splash Damage and Bethesda are hoping for as they’re getting quickly closer to the release of their upcoming first person shooter, Brink. I bet you’ve been trying to find all of the information you can just to try and keep […]
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Section 8: Prejudice Review
Game: Section 8: Prejudice Developer: TimeGate Studios Publisher:SouthPeak Interactive/TimeGate Studios Available on: Xbox LIVE Arcade, PlayStation Network, PC (Reviewed on Xbox 360) Back in 2009, developer TimeGate wheeled out the somewhat generic space marine shooter, Section 8, to what would best be described as mixed reviews. It had some decent and well implemented ideas, but […]
Catch Up With The Story Of F.E.A.R. With Brand New Trailer
With F.E.A.R. 3’s release just on the horizon it’s probably a good idea to get a refresher course in the events of the F.E.A.R. universe that have led us to this point. Warner Bros. have you covered with a brand new video released today. Set to release on the Xbox 360, PS3, and Windows PC […]
Operation Flashpoint: Red River – Developer Diary #3
Today Codemasters released the latest developer diary video for Operation Flashpoint: Red River, the all-new chapter in the multi-million selling tactical shooter series. Focusing on the game’s four player co-operative campaign and Fireteam Engagements. The video includes gameplay footage taken from the multiplayer modes in the game and features key development team talent explaining how […]