Get Your Leadership On With New Stronghold Kingdoms Tutorial Video
Ever wanted to rule an entire kingdom, be responsible for the upkeep of every town, the gathering of tax and resources, the flow of trade and commerce, the defence of your loyal subjects? Well Stronghold Kingdoms allows you to do exactly that.
Free-to-Play Stronghold Invades Russia
Firefly Studios, creators of the Stronghold series and free-to-play MMORTS Stronghold Kingdoms, today announced the release of Mir 1, the game's first Russian world.
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Stronghold 3: Economic Trailer
If you were under the assumption that the PC RTS was slowly spiralling into extinction then Firefly Studios are here to prove you wrong. In a world filled with console first person shooters and action games (not to mention StarCraft II) the development studio are trying to wedge their Medieval RTS into the market while expanding upon but […]