Final launch trailer for Assassin’s Creed: Brotherhood
With the release of the game just a week away, Ubisoft have released a full launch trailer which shows off more of the action we will see when playing through the story mode in Assassin’s Creed: Brotherhood. The trailer weighs in at just over two minutes and features familiar characters from the previous game in […]
Two More Assassin’s Creed: Brotherhood Characters Revealed
It looks like the folks over at Ubisoft are on a roll when it comes to Assassin’s Creed: Brotherhood, as today they have revealed two more characters that will be included in the games multiplayer mode. The first new addition is the Officer and whilst he looks quite cool, it’s the other new character, the […]
Brand New Assassin’s Creed: Brotherhood Gameplay Trailer
We love Assassin’s Creed here at GodisaGeek (well, one team member does anyway!), so naturally we were delighted to receive a brand new gameplay trailer for Assassin’s Creed: Brotherhood and just couldn’t wait to share it with all you lovely people. Accompanied by the soothing sounds of Unkle’s Burn My Shadow Away, this new gameplay […]
Assassin’s Creed: Brotherhood – Dev Diary #1
With Assassin’s Creed: Brotherhood due out in November Ubisoft have released their first dev diary video in order to whet the appetite of fans around the world. The video, titled “The Birth of a Brotherhood”, focuses on the single player side of things and Ezio’s attempts to build a new order in Rome. One of […]
Assassin’s Creed: Brotherhood E3 Trailer
An all new Assassin’s Creed: Brotherhood trailer is the latest bit of media to emerge from LA’s E3. The trailer is a typical Assassin’s Creed pre-rendered scene showing an Assassin (this time Ezio) make his way through a crowd leaving a litter of bodies in his wake. The trailer takes place in 1503 Rome and shows off some […]
Assassin’s Creed Brotherhood Details Revealed
Following a “leak” that hit the internet a few days ago, Ubisoft have now released the first official details for Assassin’s Creed Brotherhood. The majority of details that have been unveiled are (thanks to the “leak”) nothing we didn’t already know about (the return of Ezio, recruiting other assassin’s and a multiplayer mode), but one […]
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Splinter Cell: Conviction delayed and Assassin’s Creed mulitplayer announced
Ubisoft have today announced that Splinter Cell: Conviction will be delayed until April. Yes, we are as disappointed as you! The game has already seen its fair share of delays and most recently it seemed to be set that game was going to be released on February 23rd but that date has today been cancelled. […]
Assassin’s Creed II DLC Announced
Well Ubisoft are certainly not resting on their laurels as only a week or so after the release of Assassin’s Creed II they have today announced that DLC is on the way to the Xbox 360 and PS3 early next year. The first slice of the DLC which is titled “Battle of Forli” will be […]
Assassin’s Creed – Lineage (Part 1)
Once again the Assassin’s Creed marketing team is in overdrive promoting Assassin’s Creed 2. The first game had Jade Raymond at the fore front touting the game but this time she has taken a back seat and it seems Ubisoft are taking the Bungie route by offering us an inspiring short movie which I have […]