Eurogamer Expo 2010: Goldeneye Hands-On Impressions
In 1997 a game was released that revolutionised console first-person shooters. Previously largely the domain of PC’s, it took someone special to make the FPS popular in the living room. It took Bond, James Bond. Looking back at the original version of Goldeneye (developed by RARE), the single player was fairly average and because of […]
Eurogamer Expo 2010: Assassin’s Creed: Brotherhood Hands-On Impressions
When Assassins Creed: Brotherhood was first announced, following hot on the heels of the super-successful Assassins Creed 2, I was very sceptical. I think it’s safe to say that I wasn’t the only one who felt like this. Many fans couldn’t conceive how the game could go multiplayer, but still maintain the free-running, open-world aspects […]
Eurogamer Expo 2010: Gran Turismo 5 Hands-On Impressions
It’s safe to say that GT5 is high atop many peoples “most wanted games” list and for most of the public, Eurogamer Expo 2010 is the first chance to get some hands on with the game. The build is rumoured to be an older one, circa E3 2010 and the demo itself is a pretty […]
Eurogamer Expo 2010: Gears of War 3 Hands-On Impressions
So the Eurogamer Expo took place over the weekend of October 1st to the 3rd and the entire GodisaGeek team were there at some point or another. One of the games on display was Epic Games highly anticipated, Gears of War 3. As with most events, only Beast mode was on display. If you don’t […]