Need For Speed Movie Begins Filming

by Colm Ahernon May 13, 2013
Need For new ideas that aren't similar to Vin Diesel films

Another Body Blow For Wii U As Just Cause Studio Claims Devkit “Gathering Dust”

by Sean Smithon May 9, 2013
Avalanche founder Christofer Sundburg has revealed problems that his and other developers face in the fight to provide thirdparty support for Nintendo's flagging Wii U console.

Electronic Arts Set E3 Presser Date For June 10

by Sean Smithon April 23, 2013
EA have today confirmed that their E3 2013 press conference will take place on June 10.

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No Battlefield 4 for Wii U, Here’s Why

by Adam Cookon March 27, 2013
They'd rather play it safe. Disappointing, but then, there's a lot of that about right now, isn't there?

Battlefield 4 Unveiled via 17 Minute Gameplay Video

by Adam Cookon March 27, 2013
If you'd told me that EA would use Bonnie Tyler's "Total Eclipse of the Heart" to open a Battlefield trailer, I'd have laughed at you - but they do, so there.

Let’s Play: Army of TWO: The Devil’s Cartel

by Adam Cookon March 26, 2013
Out today in the States, we've not seen a huge amount of Army of TWO: The Devil's Cartel, which is a shame because fans of co-op might actually be interested in this one.