Dungeon Defenders Review
Another dungeon based downloadable title? Is this one worth a look? GodisaGeek.com
Dungeon Defenders Gets Second Developer Diary
Trendy Entertainment has today released the second developer diary for its upcoming co-op/action-RPG/tower-defense game, Dungeon Defenders! The game combines the best elements of a variety of genres and offers a level of depth that no other in its category has reached.
Dungeon Defenders to Hit Xbox LIVE Arcade and PC on the 19th October
Mark your calendars, all you would-be wizards and warriors! D3Publisher, Reverb Publishing and Trendy Entertainment announced today that their highly anticipated video game Dungeon Defenders will launch on October 19, 2011. The game is coming to Xbox LIVE Arcade, PlayStation Network and PC. With its one-of-a-kind action-RPG take on tower defense, players everywhere can look […]