Battlefield 4 Potential Release Date and DLC Revealed by Australian Retailer
It's not been confirmed, but this marketing material from EB Games on Battlefield 4 drops some major info on DICE's upcoming game
Battlefield Fans Looking Forward to Multiplayer More Than Single Player in Battlefield 4
In a recent poll on Battlefield's blog, it appears more fans are excited for Battlefield 4's multiplayer than they are the single player
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Browse for the latest online gaming news. Leak Suggests October Release Date for Battlefield 4
Over on Xbox .com, a highly probable release date for Battlefield 4 has popped up on a blog post.
No Battlefield 4 for Wii U, Here’s Why
They'd rather play it safe. Disappointing, but then, there's a lot of that about right now, isn't there?
Battlefield 4 Unveiled via 17 Minute Gameplay Video
If you'd told me that EA would use Bonnie Tyler's "Total Eclipse of the Heart" to open a Battlefield trailer, I'd have laughed at you - but they do, so there.