Borderlands 2: Mister Torgue’s Campaign of Carnage DLC Review
More proof that gearbox are the kings of post-release content, Mister Torgue's Campaign of Carnage not only stands up to the excellent Captain Scarlett and Her Pirate's Booty, but surpasses it - thanks in no small part to the fantastic Torgue himself.
Play As Original Borderlands Characters in Borderlands Legends on iPhone and iPad
Brick, Roland, Lilith and Mordecai are back as playable characters in a Borderlands iOS exclusive - Borderlands Legends
The Story Mechanic Part Eight: The Stories are Alright
The Story Mechanic is a fortnightly column from Mark Bridle, celebrating narrative and story. This week, remember what's great about stories. Read the full article at
Borderlands 2 Review
If you let Borderlands 2 slip you by, then you're missing out on comfortably one of the best games of 2012. Read the full review at
Brand New, Huge, Borderlands 2 Trailer Released
Brand New, Huge, Borderlands 2 Trailer Released. For the fulls news story, and to see the trailer, head over to
The Story Mechanic Part Two: The Power of Potential
The Story Mechanic is a fortnightly column from Mark Bridle, celebrating narrative and story. This week, the potential of Borderlands. Read the full article at
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Borderlands Has Highest DLC Attachment Rate on Xbox 360
Yet more Borderlands news on GodisaGeek today, this time though regarding the original game.
Video: Two Pieces of Borderlands 2 Gameplay Footage…with Commentary!
We show you around some of the world of Pandora in the upcoming game Borderlands 2, complete with commentary from Adam and Lee. Check out both videos at
Borderlands 2: An Interview with Art Director, Jeramy Cooke
Enthusiastic and charming, Jeramy Cooke tells us about some of the madness that you'll find in Borderlands 2, such as magazines that when thrown away, act as grenades. As well as that incredible information, we even get an insight into the original Borderlands characters, vehicles, the co-op improvements and more. Read the full interview at