Psycho Class Comes to Borderlands 2 Next Week

by Colm Ahernon May 7, 2013
Likes to play with fire

Borderlands 2’s Final DLC Focuses on Tiny Tina

by Colm Ahernon May 3, 2013
Tiny Tina's Assault on Dragon Keep looks to be Borderlands 2's final DLC.

Borderlands Legends Update Arrives, Along with Dubstep Trailer

by Colm Ahernon February 7, 2013
The iOS exclusive Borderlands Legends has just received an update, as Gearbox and 2K release a trailer chock full of our old friend, Mr. Dubstep.

Borderlands 2: Sir Hammerlock’s Big Game Hunt DLC Review

by Mick Fraseron January 29, 2013
We go exploring in deepest Aegrus to review the third expansion for Gearbox Software's bonkers gun-fest, Borderlands 2.

Borderlands 2 Logo

Play Dress-Up in Borderlands 2 as 2K Games Announce New Heads and Skins Packs

by Colm Ahernon January 22, 2013
New skins and heads packs come to Gearbox's fantastic FPS; Borderlands 2.

[Closed] Competition: Borderlands 2 Blowout!

by Advertorial - Paid Placementon January 17, 2013
Borderlands 2 is a great game, we all know that. So we've teamed up with 2K Games to bring you a great opportunity to win not only a copy of the game on PlayStation 3, but a veritable motherload of swag.

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Borderlands 2: Sir Hammerlock’s Big Game Hunt Coming January 15th!

by Mick Fraseron December 20, 2012
Want more Borderlands 2? Gearbox have got you covered. Here are some shiny screenshots and a spanking new trailer for their third slice of downloadable craziness.

Sir Hammerlock’s Big Game Hunt DLC Coming to Borderlands 2!

by Mick Fraseron December 15, 2012
The next Borderlands 2 DLC will apparently focus on Pandora's foremost hunter, scholar and gentleman, Sir Hammerlock.

Borderlands 2 Won’t be Ported to Wii U

by Robin Parkeron November 27, 2012
Borderlands 2 developer Gearbox Software isn’t planning on porting its RPG-shooter onto the new Nintendo Wii U,