A Week in Gaming With Aryel Abrahami
It would seem that we have gone full circle with our “Week in Gaming” feature and it is once again my time to bring you my week in gaming. Last week Adam Cook told us all about his new found love, StarCraft II and those pesky kids on Xbox Live. This week I will be discussing […]
A Week in Gaming With Aryel Abrahami
Hello and welcome to an all new feature here at GodisaGeek.com, A week in gaming is your weekly round up of some of the hot GodisaGeek.com news plus the writers view on a chosen gaming related topic. My name is Aryel and I will be kicking of this weeks feature by telling you a little bit […]
God is a Geek Podcast Episode 13
Its time for episode 13 and there are some big topics hitting the headlines with the impending E3. We have a bumper show for your listening pleasure with Asim, Aaron and Aryel are on the show to discuss the latest gaming news. Topics of discussion include: – Three top racing games have hit the shelves in […]
God is a Geek Podcast Episode 8
The team is refreshed after a new years break and back to to discuss some hot gaming topics! We take a look at our Darksiders and Bayonetta reviews, are they really worth the 9/10 our reviewers gave them? Splinter Cell Conviction has been pushed back once again but is it good or bad news? The […]