RKGK review

by on May 24, 2024
Reviewed On
Release Date

May 22, 2024


The 3D platformer feels a bit archaic these days. Sure, there’re tons of 2D side-scrolling metroidvanias, but where are your Crash Bandicoots and Sonic Adventures? It felt exciting when I jumped into RKGK for the first time, and there’s a reason why these types of games are a ton of fun. It throws some simple mechanics at you and lets you explore and exploit them, mastering the basics to then freely make your way around environments utilising every jump, grind, and glide to its full potential. It also helps that it’s such a gorgeous looking game, filled to the brim with delicate and vibrant artistry and some fantastic graffiti.

RKGK doesn’t have the most engaging story and it’s not that deep. It doesn’t need to be, though. You play as Valah as she attempts to regain control of Cap City from an evil corporation led by the douchebag extraordinaire Mr Buff. Your role is simple. Take on each level and find every blank screen to spray your graffiti all over it, collect coins, find three secret ghost collectables, and reach the end with as much completion as possible. The more things you tag, the more points you have to unlock future levels, but by exploring and painting you’ll naturally become consumed by the wonderful freedom in its gameplay.

Before we get to that, though, the art work is wonderful. There are some remarkable designs that Valah paints, and I was forever in awe as I approached a blank canvas wondering what I was going to see next. The intentionally bland environments start to come to life thanks to the array of colours and images that emanate from her spray cans. RKGK oozes fun, whether from the art that is created throughout the levels, or the joy of blending together Valah’s traversal moves as you make your way through the levels. You’re rewarded for speed and for finding everything, so if you want to take your time on one run, you can replay to try and be as fast as possible.

Valah doesn’t run particularly fast, but she can slide across the floor while painting the ground underneath her, making her get around a lot faster. She can grind across certain bars a la Tony Hawk, and glide through the air. Mixing up the fundamentals can make for some fast movements. Occasionally you can grapple onto platforms as well, adding a little bit of spice here and there. There are boxes scattered around levels which can be broken down to build up you money which can be used to buy new clothes, collect health, and fill up your paint supply so you’re able to graffiti across Cap City.

Perhaps the weakest part of RKGK is the combat. It’s not particularly fun and it is repetitive. Mashing the punch button often gets the job done, but enemies can also be taken down by hovering over them and spraying them with paint. Most of the enemies feel familiar, and while the odd boss fight mixes up how you use your combat options, it’s never that challenging. Hitting one of Mr Buff’s cronies is always responsive, but it lacks a little creativeness, especially when you’re having so much fun travelling across the city at such a brisk and enjoyable pace.

RKGK wears its influences on its sleeves, be it Crash Bandicoot or Jet Set Radio, but its a breath of fresh air in a genre that feels like it has been forgotten about. Hi-Fi Rush proved people love 3D platforming, and I hope this doesn’t go under the radar because it is a ton of fun throughout. The movement and traversal is liberating, the graffiti and art style is out of this world, and Valah is such a loveable character that it’s hard to not love something about this. The combat is repetitive and a little dull, but the level design gives you plenty to explore and get stuck into.


Gorgeous art style and graffiti
Fun and fluid movement
Valah is a loveable protagonist


Combat is repetitive and quite dull

Editor Rating
Our Score


In Short

RKGK is a beautiful game that puts all its heart into fast and fluid movement and the graffiti you'll paint across Cap City.