Jenga Boom Review

by Martin Bakeron May 18, 2013
How do you take a game that everyone and their mother has had some experience with and change it enough to make it an entirely new gaming experience? Does Jenga Boom have the answer?

Bop It! XT Review

by Martin Bakeron May 11, 2013
If you were anything like me when you were growing up, then you had a tendency to ask for anything that made loud noises for your birthday and/or Christmas.

Monopoly: Electronic Banking Board Game Review

by Martin Bakeron April 27, 2013
Monopoly has been around, in one shape or form, for over a century, so it's probably a safe bet that every single person reading this review has played a game or two at some point. The rules of the game are simple: Bankrupt every single other player in the game and attempt to take control of the entire board.

The Walking Dead: The Board Game Review

by Martin Bakeron April 23, 2013
Martin takes on the Walkers in the comfort of his own living room.

Angry Birds Star Wars – Death Star Jenga Review

by Martin Bakeron April 15, 2013
If you've got half an hour to kill, and are prepared to spend at least ten minutes of that building the Death Star in the first place, then you could do a lot worse.

DC Comics Deck-Building Game Review

by Martin Bakeron April 6, 2013
Resident Boardgame expert Martin takes on the DC universe in this review.

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Timeline Board Game Review

by Mick Fraseron March 30, 2013
Timeline is one of those rare trivia games that surprises you more by revealing what you know than what you don’t. As a family game, it excels because of the simplicity of its premise, its educational nature and the wonderful artwork.

Star Wars: The Card Game Review

by Ella McConnellon March 16, 2013
While I definitely enjoyed playing the Star Wars card game once I'd properly absorbed the rules, it might not be for everyone if you aren't a fan of either card games or Star Wars.

Resident Evil Deck-Building Game: Mercenaries Review

by Martin Bakeron March 9, 2013
Should you add it to your collection? If everything I've said even appeals to you a little then yes. I know it will sit proudly within my collection, coming out often for a good old night of tabletop gaming for years to come.