A Week In Gaming With Aryel Abrahami
It has been a relatively busy week for the myself and the GodisaGeek crew with some interesting news and reviews posted in the last 7 days. Asim kicked things off on Monday with an interesting look at the PlayStation Move, the launch titles seem ok, but we are still looking for a huge game to […]
WoW Cataclysm Beta – Female Worgen
Cataclysm’s all new Alliance race; the Worgen has been playable for some time now on the  Beta realms, but only now have testers been able to take  a look at the female version of the feral race. It would seem that Blizzard have finally finished modelling the female Worgen and as usual GodisaGeek is on hand […]
GodisaGeek StarCraft II Tutorial – Defending The Baneling Bust
Today we have another episode of How To StarCraft II, this time we are looking at defending the dreaded Baneling bust from a Terran perspective. The Baneling bust is a potentially game ending move which is used to decimate the  front wall of an opponents base and allow Zerglings in to do some serious damage. We […]
The Lord of the Rings: Aragorn’s Quest – Launch Trailer
It is not too often that we get a launch trailer this early, but it seems that we have struck a little luck with The Lord of the Rings: Aragorn’s Quest. The game is set for a multi-platform launch on October 29th and will feature PlayStation Move support for PS3 owners looking to waggle their […]
God is a Geek Podcast Episode 19
Welcome to episode 19 of the GodisaGeek podcast, this weeks cast has been recorded a little later than usual allowing us to discuss the highly anticipated Halo: Reach Review, which is up on the site now! Â The team are joined this week by newly appointed Community Manager Adam Cook, Adam has been doing a great […]
Halo: Reach Review
Game: Halo: Reach Developer: Bungie Publisher: Microsoft Available on: Xbox 360 only Release Date: September 14th 2010 (Pre-order now) Halo: Reach, Bungie’s last hurrah to the franchise which has made the developer so famous. Much is expected from what is being called their masterpiece; the developer has mustered every ounce of strength, creativity and experience […]
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GodisaGeek StarCraft II Tutorial – The Cannon Rush
Welcome to another GodisaGeek StarCraft II tutorial. Today we are looking at “The Cannon Rush”, in this tutorial we show you the famous Protoss rush tactic which involves building photon cannons in or near an opponents base. The Cannon Rush tutorial is a little longer than the previous tutorial as it takes a comprehensive look at tactics […]
GodisaGeek StarCraft II Tutorial – Stopping The Zergling Rush
GodisaGeek is proud to bring you the first in a series of StarCraft II tutorials, in this first episode we look at how Terran players can defend the dreaded Zergling rush. Stepping into the online arena in any game can be a little daunting, even more so when real time strategy is involved. We hope to […]
FIFA 11 Hands On Impressions
FIFA is one of the most successful football (soccer) games of all time, but only in recent years has the game truly deserved the title with the introduction of some revolutionary gameplay changes such as 360 degree dribbling and the be a pro game mode. Whilst the foundations have been laid with FIFA 08, 09 and 10, […]