Razer Unveil “The Razer Blade”
Razer have unveiled the sleek new Razer Blade; the "world's first true gaming laptop" (ahem!). The first thing that hit us was how sleek and beautiful that aluminium chassis looked, and yes, how strikingly similar it looked to a Macbook air/pro (we know you were thinking it too).
Dead Rising 2: Off the Record will be at PAX
Frank West has taken time off from killing zombies in outlandish ways and taken a road trip to the Penny Arcade Expo held in Seattle this weekend.
RAGE and Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Playable at Eurogamer Expo 2011
If you have been itching to get your hands on RAGE or Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim then we have some good news for you! Both games will be playable at this years Eurogamer Expo, giving UK gamers a chance to get to grips with Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim for first time in Europe following the amazing E3 trailers […]
Resistance 3 Dev Diary: Tools For Resistance
The guys at Insomniac Games love their guns and what better way to show you Resistance 3's quirky armoury then to give you a developer's diary ram packed with them?
Uncharted 3: Drake’s Deception – Gamescom Direct Feed Gameplay
Sony have released an extended version of the trailer shown a couple of days ago for Uncharted 3: Drakes Drake’s Deception.
TERA – Gamescom 2011 Screenshots and Trailer
With Gamescom 2011 in full flow a trailer for one of the most anticipated MMORPG’s in development was released along with a healthy smothering of screenshots to top it off. TERA Online stands tall amongst most games in the genre not only because of its gorgeous graphical style (you will be hard pressed to find […]
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Nintendo Announce 2011 European Line-up!
Are you a bit of Nintendo junky? Some of us at Godisageek.com are and we were pleased when a full list of of Nintendo’s 2011 line-up landed on our laps. Let me tell you, there are some gems to look forward to and we feel like there is a little something for everyone here. Whether […]
Driver: San Francisco Multiplayer Demo Coming Tomorrow!
If you didn’t make it to E3 and are not currently enjoying yourself in Cologne then worry not, Ubisoft have announced that there will be a multiplayer demo for Driver: San Francisco on August 17th. That’s tomorrow, just in case you were wondering. The demo will be available on Xbox LIVE and the PlayStation network […]
“Move” Your Katana in Ninja Gaiden 3
I think the title says it all really. Today at Gamescom Team Ninja and Tecmo decided they want you knee deep in the action and announced that the Playstaion 3 version of the game would include full Move support.