Peter Dille Predicts PS3 Supremacy in the Long Run
Once again Sony is talking the talk as SCEA senior VP of marketing Peter Dille stated in an interview with IGN that he is “confident” PS3 will overtake Xbox 360 in worldwide sales within the consoles planned 10-year life-span (he might have a point). Dille further elaborated by saying “I’m confident we’ll be around in […]
Latest Zelda Coming To This Years E3
Satoru Iwata has officially promised that the latest version of Zelda for the Wii will definitely be coming to this years E3. He told investors during a financial briefing that “We will show the new Zelda title for Wii at E3 this year.” As a self confessed Zelda fan I’m anxious to see what changes […]
Quantum Theory Delayed
Unfortunately yet again we bring you news of more game delays. Tecmo have recently stated that Quantum Theory has hit a rough patch and requires more development time to improve the quality of the game. The game was originally penciled in for a March 25th release date in Japan and given an estimated March 2010 […]
New Last Guardian Screenshots
So Team ICO (makes you feel all warm inside just saying it doesn’t it – ahem!) has recently launched the official Japanese website for the The Last Guardian. Meaning if you’re looking for your latest fix of Team ICO magic you can head over there and admire the creativity. If some how you managed to miss […]
New French Blazblue Trailer
It’s no secret that Arc System Works’ Blazblue is taking its sweet time to hit European shores and those who have yet to import the title (PS3) are likely to be getting a little restless. Luckily Arc System are not without compassion and in what looks like an attempt to silence the French cries of […]
Kojima Makes Official Apology
In this day and age gamers are no strangers to game delays, specially if you live in one of the less supported regions of the world, to the point that it has almost become expected in some cases for certain games to get pushed back. What we are not accustomed to however are big time […]
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New Crysis 2 Scans Revealed
We all know the original Crysis was a PC destroying monster in its day. If you could squeeze out more than 26fps out of your system on the highest graphical setting at the time you could consider yourself lucky forcing even the most ardent PC gamer to shell out some well earned “moolah” for an […]
Borderlands Recieves Disc Based DLC
Gearbox and 2k games have been giving their fans a tonne of new DLC for Borderlands in a very short space of time as of late. With the impending arrival of their latest DLC release “The Secret Armory of General Knoxx” , which is said to be the largest for the title to date equipped […]
EA Gives us FIFA Online!
EA have recently revealed that FIFA online will be making its way to the west. Our Asian brethren are no strangers to this title but only recently has it been stated that it would see the light of day on European shores. FIFA online is a free to play, web based PC game that EA […]