Street Fighter IV Coming to the iPhone
Oh no they didn’t, oh yes they did! Street fighter IV is coming to an iPhone near you and we have the screenshots to prove it (thanks to IGN). Suprisingly the iPhone interpretation of the title maintains its graphical style and we are told that every fighter included will come with thier complete move list […]
New Uncharted 2 DLC Coming Soon
It would seem Naughty Dog wish to reward those gamers who kept their copy of Uncharted 2: Among Thieves and continue to whore the multiplayer like there is no tomorrow. As there is new DLC heading our way and it is all multiplayer related. The new content will include a wealth of multiplayer maps, skins, […]
SSFIV Juri Vs Chun Li Trailer
We are back again with more Street Fighter goodness and although there is no gamplay footage present in the trailer this time around it doesn’t make it look any less cool. The bulk of the trailer is centered around Chun Li as she fights newcomer Juri on what looks like some sort of scaffolding but […]
Perfect Dark Comes to XBLA in March
Never owned an Nintendo 64? Never played the original and now classic Perfect Dark? No? Then fear not because Rare and Microsoft are bringing the title to Xbox Live Arcade in March. The game will be priced at 800 Microsoft Points, which is pretty cheap considering the price of some of the re-mastered titles that […]
No Alan Wake for PC Gamers
Unfortunately for PC gamers the upcoming title developed by Remedy is no more and has been officially dropped for the platform. The original plan was aparently to begin working on the PC version of the title after the Xbox 360 version had been polished to perfection but recently Microsoft released the following statement:- “Some games […]
2010 GAME British Academy Video Games Awards Nominees
So with the BAFTA’s around the corner it would seem it is time to start voting again and have your say on what you think was the best game of 2009. Today GAME released the nominees for the award and being as it’s the only one that is available to vote by the general public […]
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SEGA Confirm Bonus Content for Yakuza 3
SEGA Europe Ltd. today announced that European gamers will be recieving exclusive premium edition pack version of Yakuza 3 when it hits shelves on 12th March 2010. For those of you who love your special editions included in your premium edition pack will be four extra game modes consisting of Battle for Survival, enabling you […]
The Hardcore PC Gamer Prefers Windows 7 to Vista
Well according to Steam’s hardware survey for January 2010 Windows 7 has overtaken Vista as the hardcore PC gamers operating system of choice for the first time since its release in October 2009. This is reletively suprising considering it’s reletively short life span compared to Windows Vista that has been available since January 2007. Although […]
EA Attack Rage Quitters for FIFA 11
Seems the guys at EA Canada have realised it too, rage quitting is a crime on gaming and should be punished and so have decided to try and find a solution for the problem in the next itteration of the title (minus any World Cup spin-off that is bound to appear). 2010 FIFA World Cup […]