Gamescom 2010: Mass Effect 2 Comes to PS3
Today at Gamescom, EA announced that Mass Effect would finally be making its way to the PlayStation 3 platform during their conference. Quiet…if you listen intently you can hear PS3 fan boys weeping tears of happiness and screaming out a synchronised “TOOK YOUR TIME BIOWARE!”.
New Fable III Screens
Ahh the splendour of digital images. Yes, that beautiful arrangement of pixels that we all love to critique and dissect. Well Molyneux and co. have a healthy batch of new ones for you showing off some title called Fable 3. Maybe you’ve heard of it? Maybe you want to hit the jump and have a sneak peak at them? Regardless, don’t say […]
Gamescom 2010: Age of Empires Online Revealed
If you’ve never heard of or played an Age of Empires game than you’ve probably never really been a PC gamer and should set fire to your tower right now! Microsoft are in Cologne for the Gamescom event and have decided to announce a couple of titles for the Games for Windows platform. One of […]
Fallout: New Vegas Collector’s Edition Now Available for Order in UK
If your a massive Fallout fan and you’ve consumed the previous title plus all its relevant DLC than your probably just a tiny bit interested in New Vegas and the recently anounced collectors edition for the UK. If this sounds like your cup of tea than you’ll be able to order this premium version of the game […]
H.A.W.X 2 Demo Hits Xbox Live
In preparation for the release of H.A.W.X 2 Ubisoft are given you a chance to test pilot the title on Xbox live. The demo includes two missions, an interception mission and a seek and destroy type mission which kind of speaks for itself. Interception Course Take to the air to intercept a group of stolen aircraft […]
RAGE release date confirmed
The Godfather of first person shooters, id software revealed at QuakeCon that their latest shooter would be hitting shelves in September. The eagerly awaited shooter (at least at will be in stores September 13th 2011 in North America and September 16th 2011 in Europe and Australia. “Gamers all over the world can now officially […]
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Star Wars The Force Unleashed 2 Yoda Cutscene
In Star Wars The Force Unleashed 2, Yoda has been seen…he has. Ahem, sorry about that. So let’s do a quick run down of what we can expect to see in Star Wars The Force Unleashed 2 shall we?. Brutal combat? Check. AT-STs? Check. Phenomenally over the top force powers? Check. Yoda? Check. What more […]
Deus Ex: Human Revolution Gameplay Trailer
So here it is, another dose of Deus Ex smothered in browny goodness (get your mind out of the gutter, this isn’t that kind of site). This time round Square Enix/Eidos have seen fit to tease us with actual gameplay footage of Adam Jensen in action and it’s just as brown and bleak looking as it ever […]
Jade Raymond Plans Five “AAA” Titles
That’s right, not one, not even three but five triple-A titles are the target for Jade Raymond and the new Ubisoft Toronto studio. It is no real secret that Jade and co are currently working on the next iteration in the Splinter Cell series alongside another title that is yet to be named but it […]