A New Zealand based online retailer by the name of Mighty Ape had a listing for the 25th Anniversary of Guns of the Patriots on Xbox 360, but Eurogamer reached out to Konami for comment and the Publisher said that there are “no plans to release Metal Gear Solid 4 on Xbox 360.” Right now, the product listing can still be accessed, but you’ll be met with the message that the product is currently unavailable to order. Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots 25th Anniversary Edition (snappy title) will remain a PlayStation 3 exclusive.
The game will include the trophy patch that saw Metal Gear-heads celebrate like it was New Year’s Eve and will also be sold at a budget price when it comes to PS3, next month.
Said PS3 exclusive has been the subject of Xbox rumours for quite some time now, and some believed that this re-release may bring Metal Gear Solid 4 to Microsoft’s console. But alas, Xbox 360 players will have to remain satisfied with the Metal Gear Solid HD Collection for their Solid Snake kicks.
Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots 25th Anniversary Edition will be released in December for PlayStation 3
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